xmlns:fb='http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml expr:dir='data:blog.languageDirection' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' xmlns:b='http://www.google.com/2005/gml/b' xmlns:data='http://www.google.com/2005/gml/data' xmlns:expr='http://www.google.com/2005/gml/expr'> DVD X Player Professional ~ New Version

الأحد، 6 يناير 2013

Posted by sam
No comments | 10:46 م

مشغل الميديا العملاق القادم بقوة  DivX Plus 9.0 build Final فى اخر اصداراته بتحديثات جديدة ومميزة كالعادة من هذا البرنامج الرائع البرنامج يتمتع بسمعة طيبة جدا نظرا لامكاناته العالية ومميزاته الرائعة التى جعلت منه واحدا من اشرس المنافسين لمشغلات الميديا الشهيرة امثال الميديا بلاير والميديا بلاير كلاسيك البرنامج مدمج معه كمية هائلة من الاكواد ويدعم يدعم عددا كبيرا جدا من الصيغ  وهو بالتالى يضمن لك تشغيل جميع الفيديوهات بسلاسة دون اى مشاكل ودون الحاجة الى استعمال اى من البرامج المساعدة له يمنحك البرنامج انقى صورة ممكنة دون مبالغة بكفاءة عالية واحترافية منقطعة النظير لا ينافسه فيها اى من البرامج الاخرى  البرنامج رائع جدا ويمثل فى نظر الكثيرين الجيل القادم من مشغلات الميديا الاحترافية عالية التقنية ولذا ينصح به دائما .

The next generation of divx video! Download divx Plus™ Software to play DivX®, AVI, MKV, MOV and MP4 video with our media player. Or watch these videos in other popular media players like Windows Media Player or Media Player classic. Purchase divx Pro to create your own HD divx videos. DivX® is a digital video format that offers a high-quality viewing experience on any device or platform — from your PC to your phone to your living room TV. Over 100 million devices that support divx video have shipped worldwide from major manufactures, including DVD players, gaming consoles, mobile phones and more. DivX® gives you the power to watch, create and share high-quality videos on your Windows or Mac computer.

DivX technology enables highly compressed video without compromising visual quality — so you can enjoy a cinematic experience on your computer, in your living room or wherever you go.
H.264 is a new standard that is poised to power the high definition video revolution by offering incredible visual quality, performance and efficiency. divx 8 gives you all the tools you need to take full advantage of H.264 for a truly cinematic video experience.

• Convert your video, including HD files, to divx video using divx Converter, or create video compilations with DVD features using divx Author
• Post a divx video to your site using divx Web Player
• Watch your videos, even HD videos (H.264/AAC) from the Internet, with divx Player

DivX® technology lets you take your high-quality videos from your computer and play them in full-screen glory on your living room TV. Use one of the millions of divx Certified® devices, such as a Blu-ray DVD player, gaming console or divx Connected device, to watch your videos directly on your TV.
• Stream your videos, photos, music and Internet video (e.g. YouTube) to your TV with divx Connected™
• Burn a video to disc for playback in a divx Certified DVD player
• Copy a video to a USB drive or a SD card and watch it on a divx Certified TV

You don't stay in one place and neither should your media. With a divx Certified® mobile device, you can watch your high-quality DivX® videos, and even record new ones, wherever you go.
• Watch your videos anywhere your phone goes
• Shoot your own video with a divx Certified digital camera or mobile phone
• Travel in style with video playback on any divx Certified portable media player or in-car media player.

File Size : 20MB

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